The name of this committee shall be the First Congressional District Republican Committee, hereinafter, referred to as the “District Committee”.
Active Participant Requirement – Be a dues-paying member of a county party, or otherwise, one who regularly participates in county party activities, and / or who holds elected office.
Approved Electronic Means - electronic telecommunications services that allows for verification of the user(s) in attendance (such as Zoom, Free Conference Call, etc.)
District Committee – 25 Persons make up the membership of this body; 4 Congressional District Officers, 6 State Committee Members, and 15 Executive Committee members.
Congressional District Officers – District Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.
Effective Resignation Date - Resignations are effective when tendered in writing and sent via email or text to the District Chair and Secretary.
Emergency Meeting – Meeting held at behest of the District Chair providing 24 hours advance notice as well as the agenda.
Executive Committee Member – Member of the District Committee, chosen from the House or Senate District within the First Congressional District, to represent said area.
Quorum – All meetings are required to have a 50% plus one majority of current membership to proceed with business (see Article 8, Section 4).
Regular Meeting – Meetings defined annually per the duties of the chair.
Resignation/Vacancy – Document, delivered in writing via email or text only, indicating member’s intent to no longer hold position on the District Committee, standing committee, or subcommittee. A vacancy occurs the day the time stamp is created upon the submission of a resigning member’s resignation.
Standing Committee – There shall be 3 standing committees of the District Committee; Policy, Budget and Issues.
State Committee Members – 6 members of the District Committee, who, with the District Chair make up the delegation to the Michigan Republican State Committee.
Special Meeting - Meeting held at the behest of the District Chair or by resolution of 50% plus one of the membership of the entire District Committee, providing at least 72 hours advance notice as well as the agenda.
Subcommittee – Any committee within a Standing Committee, or as a stand-alone committee such as bylaws, communications, outreach, etc. These subcommittees can be created as deemed necessary by the District Chair.
The Purpose of the District Committee shall be to:
a. Perform all duties delegated to it by law and such other duties not prohibited by law.
b. Coordinate the affairs and business of the District Committee.
c. Promote active citizenship through the county Republican Committees in the District.
d. Provide a vehicle for citizens of the First Congressional District to influence the direction, purposes, and goals of the Republican Committees.
e. Support Republican candidates seeking elective office at the local, county, state, district and national levels.
The powers of the District Committee shall be to:
a. Administer its business and property.
b. Transact necessary business between conventions.
c. Serve as the policy-making board of the District.
Section 1. The election of the District Committee members shall be conducted at the district caucus of the Spring state convention of every odd-numbered year as provided by law and in accordance with State Committee Bylaws and Rules.
Section 2. The district committee shall establish proposed rules for consideration at the caucus.
Section 3. The caucus at which the elections shall take place shall determine and approve the form and rules of the election.
Section 1. The Membership of the District Committee shall be elected at the District Caucus of the Spring State Convention in every odd-numbered year as provided by law or those elected by the District Committee to fill vacancies for any of the following:
a. Those fifteen (15) persons known as Executive Committee Members; and
b. The four (4) Congressional District officers; and
c. The six (6) State Committee Members.
Section 2. Each member shall be required to be a resident of and a registered voter in the First Congressional District of Michigan and shall be qualified by the active participant requirement.
Section 3. The Members of the District Committee shall be elected in accordance with Article 7, and serve for 2-year terms or until their successors are duly elected and qualified.
Section 4. Resignations by members of the District Committee shall be sent to the District Secretary and District Chair, by email or text. The District Secretary, within 48 hours of receipt of the resignation notice, will confirm the facts of the resignation by verbal communication with the resigning member, and, if necessary, request additional information be provided via email or text. Upon confirmation of the desired resignation by the District Secretary, the Secretary will send an email to the District Chair verifying the requested resignation. The District Chair must acknowledge receipt of that email within 24 hours and will instruct the District Secretary to send out notice of the resignation to the District Committee within 48 hours. If the District Chair does not reply to the Secretary’s email within 24 hours, the Secretary will notify the District Committee of the resignation.
Section 5. Vacancies shall be filled within forty-five (45) days of the vacancy occurring, provided at least a ten (10) day advance notice of that intent has been given to the District Committee members eligible to vote prior to the meeting where the replacement shall be made. The following guidelines shall be applied for these elections:
Only members who are remaining on the District Committee will have voting privileges, specifically:
Section 1. The District Chair shall:
Section 2. The Vice-Chair shall:
Section 3. The Secretary shall:
(In the absence of the Secretary, the District Chair shall appoint a temporary Secretary.)
Section 4. The Treasurer shall:
Section 5. All officers shall surrender, to their successor, all funds, assets, books, records, social media, user IDs, account names and passwords, and other properties pertaining to the affairs of the District Committee (such as all mailing lists, contacts, email lists, donor lists, etc.) upon leaving office. This shall include digital records and accounts as well as hard copies.
Section 1. Regular Meetings of the District Committee shall be held, at minimum, quarterly at a date and time to be set by the District Chair per their duties, with proposed agenda given at least ten (10) calendar days in advance thereof, by the Secretary or District Chair. Meetings can be held in person or by any approved electronic means where a member can be seen and/or heard in real time. Attendance of the District Committee meetings is expected. If a member cannot attend the meeting, that member shall notify the Secretary or Chair in advance of the meeting by email, text, phone or in person.
Section 2. Special meetings of the District Committee shall be held pursuant to:
Section 3. Emergency meetings of the District Committee shall be held at the discretion of the District Chair. The Secretary, under directive of the District Chair, must provide a 24 hour advance notice and delineate the time, place, and agenda. Only agenda items on the emergency meeting agenda shall be considered at any emergency meeting. Should the business at hand deal directly with the Secretary, the District Chair must send out notice as previously set.
Section 4. A quorum of the District Committee shall consist of at least 50% plus one of the entire currently sitting membership of the District Committee.
Section 5. Proxies No member to the District Meeting governed by these Rules may give a proxy to represent him/her at a meeting at which they will be absent.
Section 1. Members of the District Committee shall be removed from office for dereliction of duty or malfeasance of office, or other good cause by a two thirds (⅔) majority vote of the members at a regular or special meeting called for that purpose, provided that at least a ten (10) day advance notice is given to all District Committee members.
Section 2. If the Secretary is considered for removal, the District Chair must send out notice to the District Committee as previously set; and vice versa if it is the Chair being considered for removal.
Section 3. Three (3) absences in a calendar year may lead to removal by the District Committee by a three fourths (¾) majority vote at a regular meeting.
The fiscal year for the District Committee shall be from the first day of January to the last day of December.
These Bylaws shall be maintained in accordance with Federal and State laws, National and State Committee rules, and precedents. The Committee shall present any needed amendments. The District Committee shall provide all district counties with an accurate and valid copy of these Bylaws upon request. The Bylaws Committee shall be a seven member body including the District Chair.
Section 1. The District Committee may endorse or denounce any candidate, for public or committee office, in either a primary or general election, with a three-quarters (3/4) majority vote of the members in attendance, provided that all members are notified of this intent at least ten (10) days in advance.
Section 2. While it is desirable that members maintain or support the official position of the District Committee regarding issues and candidates, nothing in these Bylaws shall be interpreted to prohibit individual rights or prerogatives contrary to the organization, so long as they remain respectful of candidates running as Republicans espousing to conservative values as presented in the Republican Party Platform 2016 (or current version as approved at the National Republican Convention). Additionally, no committee resources or titles may be expended to assist a candidate who has not been endorsed by the body. If there is a violation in writing or any other digital media then refer back to Article 9, Section 1.
Section 3. The RINO Clause
A candidate may be denounced by a three-fourths (¾) majority of the District Committee when a candidate running in a Republican Party Primary Election declares that he or she is a Republican, but:
In such a case, the District Committee shall determine if it is in the District Committee’s interest to support or endorse any candidate in a contested Republican primary.
Section 1. Each county shall be assessed annual dues, per State Convention Delegate, payable on or before August 1st of each year. Such funds shall be collected by the District Treasurer and deposited in the District account.
Section 2. The dues will be determined annually by majority vote of the District Committee.
Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be the parliamentary authority in matters not covered by these Bylaws as well as the Bylaws of the Michigan Republican State Committee. The District Chair may appoint an official parliamentarian for all District Committee meetings, subcommittee meetings and caucuses.
Section 1. These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the currently sitting membership of the District Committee provided that there is a 10 day notice to the entire membership.
Section 2. The Secretary shall provide all members of the District Committee with the text of the proposed amendment(s) no less than ten (10) days prior to the meeting at which they are proposed for approval.
Should the First District Committee disband, all physical properties and monies, whether in cash or held in any account, shall be divided equally among the dues paying county parties within the first congressional district.
These Bylaws become effective immediately upon adoption by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the District Committee Meeting.
FURTHERMORE, These Bylaws must be distributed to the committee members by the District Secretary within 48 hours of ratification; a copy shall also be sent to the county chairs within 30 days.
Bylaws adopted March 4, 2024 at a regular meeting of the 1st Congressional District Republican Committee.
So attested, Chris Holz, Secretary.
All Rights Reserved • Michigan First Congressional District Republican Party • Powered by Spirelight Web
Paid for with regulated funds by the 1st Congressional District Republican Committee , 1729 W. Monroe Rd., Saint Louis, Michigan 48880. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.